Sandyhills Parish Church. 28 Baillieston Road. Glasgow. G32 0QQ

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7 May
A Praying People PT2

Today we complete our journey through Ephesians 6:10-20 with a look at prayer. Paul in his letter to the Ephesians reflecting on ‘The Armour of God’ concludes with these words from v18 ‘praying at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all saints’…

30th April
A Praying People

This week the focus is on prayer. The main text is Ephesians 6:18 ‘Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.To that end keep alert with all perseverance,making supplication to all saints,’

23rd April
The word of the Spirit

We return this week to “The Armour of God’ series looking at especially at Ephesians 6:17 ‘and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God’ Paul is reflecting to us the WORD of GOD as contained in the scriptures which we should be conducting in our daily lives.

9th April
The Helmet of Salvation

The Story of 2 Crowns
Sunday’s Com’in – The Resurrection. The minister continues to look at Ephesians 6 and uses Luke 24:1-28 to focus on the The Resurrection – this Easter Sunday

2nd April          Palm Sunday
Shield of Faith

On this Palm Sunday we reflect on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 6:16 he writes ’ In all circumstances take up the Shield of Faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one’ 

March 26
Gospel Shoes

Ephesians 6:15 is the backdrop for today’s reflective sermon’ ..and as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace’ The minister challenges us with this text of our readiness for daily challenges.

March 19
The breastplate of Righteousness

Last week we looked at fastening the belt of truth – today we look at the significance of the BREASTPLATE as found in Ephesians 6:14

March 12
The belt of truth

The armour of God series title continues with a look at Ephesians 6:13-14. The minister picks out the essence of being truthful to your faith and stand firm against all the odds that we encounter in our daily lives.

March 5
The Spiritual battle Part 2

Part 2 of our series looking at the Armour of God. Text is from Ephesians 16:10-20. The minister this morning reflects on the need for prayer. 

V18 reads ‘praying at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication.’

February 19
The Spiritual Battle

The start of a series looking at the Armour of God. Text is from Ephesians 16:10-20.

‘Put on the Whole Armour of God’ v11 – there are many hymns which follow the theme of Gods Armour.…

Sermons not in a series

2 February
Always praying

What is the meaning of Philippians 4:4-9

In Christ, energized by the Spirit, we rejoice in that reality. In the presence of Christ (God-with-us), we are free to throw ourselves into the struggles and issues of life with abandon, and smile. Paul’s thrust in Philippians 4:4–9 is this: Christ is the One in whom we rejoice at every moment of life.

26 January
A people of prayer

Jude 1:17-25
In these verses, Jude reminds us of dangers that were predicted long ago. Those who are called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ, must contend for the faith that was once for all delivered because ungodly people slip into the church and try to corrupt the faith.

19 January
The Power of Prayer

Acts 1:12-14 Prayer
Here the eleven remaining apostles are named. Judas Iscariot is not among them. He took his own life soon after betraying Jesus. But the remaining apostles gathered together, united even though their Lord was now gone from them. Reflection on the Power of Prayer

12 January
A New Year

What is the meaning of Romans 8 19 25?

Romans 8:19-25 offers Christians encouragement from Creation. The non-rational created order has a message for us in the context of the believer’s assurance of spiritual security in Jesus Christ. The word “groan” that appears three times in this passage is also used in Acts 7:34

5 January 2025
The importance of his presence

Exodus 33:7-11
This passage illustrates the contrast between Moses’ closeness with the LORD and the people’s broken fellowship. Moses experienced fellowship and harmony with the LORD on the basis of his faithful obedience, while the Israelites were made distant from God because of their obstinance.

29 December
All my life you have been faithful

Psalm 23 is meant to inspire calm. The Lord is personal to David, and He provides everything David needs. As the Good Shepherd, He guides David to green pastures and calm waters. All is peaceful!

25 December
Christmas Day – Treasure from the heart

Seeing that the shepherds were terrified, in verse 10 the angel gives them a command: “Do not be afraid.” This is perhaps easier said than done, but the shepherds offer us an example of great faith as they choose faith over fear, choosing to trust in God and continuing to follow his commands

24 December
Christmas Eve – The reason for the season

Luke 2:8–21 describes shepherds who are visited by numerous angels. These beings proclaim the birth of Christ and explain where He can be found. The men follow the angels’ directions and find Jesus, Joseph, and Mary just as predicted.

22nd December – 4th Sunday in Advent
The signs of Christmas – The swaddling cloths

Luke 2:8–21 describes shepherds who are visited by numerous angels. These beings proclaim the birth of Christ and explain where He can be found. The men follow the angels’ directions and find Jesus, Joseph, and Mary just as predicted.

15 December 3rd Sunday of Advent
The signs of Christmas – The Virgin Birth

What does it mean that the spirit proceeds from the father and the son?

This would mean that the Son agrees in the sending of the Spirit, that the Spirit is His ambassador. In turn, theologians see in this text an allusion to eternal realities. The Father and the Son send the Spirit because from all eternity, the Spirit has proceeded from the Father and the Son.

8th December 2nd Sunday of advent
The signs of Christmas – The Star

Matthew 2:1-12
The story teaches us that Jesus is our King and we should put him first in our life. The Magi could collude with King Herod, but for them Jesus Christ is greater and more powerful than Herod. They endured a long journey from Persia to Bethlehem to meet Jesus, the King. They risked their lives for the sake of Jesus

1st December- 1st Sunday of Advent
The Royal Line

Ruth 4:13-22, 
Ruth bore a son named Obed, who would become the grandfather of king David. 
Matthew 1:1-17
Matthew begins the Good News of Jesus by reminding us that not only is Jesus Jewish, but that he also has a family line that can be traced back to King David and to Father Abraham. Matthew wants to show his readers that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Messiah who will bless all nations.

24 November
Redeeming love – Love in action

Ruth 4:1-12
What is the meaning of Ruth chapter 4?

In this wonderful chapter we see that those upon whom the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ rests have been saved from slavery to sin and from the wages of sin – which is eternal death – by Jesus who paid the price that was demanded through giving His own life for us on the Cross.

17 November
The Kinsman Redeemer Pt2

Ruth 3:1-18
It urged Ruth to seek a husband in a questionable and compromising manner
. Fortunately, Boaz was committed to doing the right thing the right way. And this is why he refuses to become intimate with Ruth that night, and why he gave the nearest kin the opportunity to do the right thing the next day.

10 November
Redeeming Love – The Kinsman Redeemer

Ruth 3:1-11

What is the moral lesson of Ruth III?

Ruth had to recognize that Boaz was the redeemer that God had placed into her life and she had to go to him. Like Ruth, we have to recognize that Jesus is the redeemer that God has placed into our lives and we have to go to him! Before Ruth could go to Boaz though she had to shed that which was keeping them apart.

3 November
The story of Ruth
Redeeming Love series

Ruth 2:1-23
Ruth chapter 2 tells us the TRUTH of God’s amazing GRACE towards us. He is the God who knows us from the womb, who loves us despite all our background, and who lavishes on us His Provision, Protection and Promise.

27 October
The story of Ruth

Redeeming Love (Part 2)

Moral of the Story of Ruth
The story of Ruth teaches us an important lesson about being kind to others. It was because of her selfless nature that Ruth got to marry the farm owner and lived a comfortable and happy life. The story also teaches us about friendship. Naomi and Ruth shared a deep friendship

13 October
The story of Ruth

Redeeming Love

Ruth 1:1-20
The story of Naomi and Ruth reminds of God’s faithfulness. God never lets down His people, even when things seem hopeless. We must always remember that we have a caring God who will put us back on the path of blessing, even when we stray from that path.
Naomi, an Israelite, leaves her home during a famine. While away, in Moab, her husband and sons die. Naomi convinces one of her Moabite daughters-in-law to leave her and seek a new life. The other, Ruth, refuses, declaring her love and loyalty to Naomi.

 06 October
How’s your heart

The moral of the Parable of theSower is that not everyone who hears the Christian gospel will understand and believe. Four scenarios play out for the seed sown by the farmer. The first seeds are sown along the path and represent those who hear and don’t understand. The next seeds fall on rocky soil.

29 September
Trusting in the hard moments

Genesis 39:1-23
God uses Joseph’s business acumen to be a blessing to those around him. Only later in his life will Joseph become the government leader who saves God’s people because of his skilful preparation for famine. God used Joseph to be a blessing, as Joseph wielded power not for himself, but in service of those around him.

22 September
Renewing of your mind

Romans 12
What is Romans 12 telling us?

He describes our reasonable worship as presenting our bodies, our entire lives, to God as if we are holy and acceptable sacrifices. The difference between this and the animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant is that we are to be living, breathing sacrifices, using up our lives in service to God (Romans 12:1).


15 September
The cry of faith
The touch of mercy

Luke 18:35-43 He asks only that we are persistent, that we respond to him when we hear him call and that we ask his involvement in our lives in a direct and tangible way. If we join the blind man in approaching Christ like that then, like him, we will receive healing and peace and grace and our lives will be transformed.

08 September
God’s love shapes our character

1 John 2:28-3:10
The one who permanently lives and is grounded in Christ does not practice sin. Therefore whoever keeps on sinning has not seen him nor knows him. If we have sin in our lives that we continue to practice, then we do not live with Christ ruling our lives. Instead, we have no relationship at all with Christ.

01 September
Jesus, Our High Priest

Hebrews 4-10-5:10
The writer ends his thought on the concept of obedience. Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered. His obedience to the will of the Father made him the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him. The obedience of the Redeemer made salvation available to the obedient redeemed.

25 August
The perfect Son

Mark 1:1–13 rapidly introduces the ministry of Jesus, as introduced by John the Baptist. While other Gospels include many details, the Gospel of Mark briefly sets the stage for Jesus’ baptism by John.

18th August
Greatness in the Kingdom

Sorry we were unable to upload to YouTube today.

11 August
Who is this Jesus?

Matthew 21:1–11 follows Jesus on His final, “triumphal” entry into Jerusalem. He rides on a donkey for the final mile or so to intentionally fulfill a prophecy from Zechariah about the king arriving in Jerusalem. The crowds praise Him as the Messiah, lining His path with branches and their cloaks.

4 August
..But God…

The Sanhedrin asks Stephen if he is an enemy against the Temple and Moses. He begins his defense by teaching the history of Israel to the Jewish leaders. God appeared to Abraham and told him to go to a land which He would give him. God told Abraham that before his descendants would inherit the land, they would be enslaved for 400 years. As commanded, Abraham circumcised his son, Isaac, and Isaac became the father of Jacob, and Jacob of the twelve tribes of Israel.

28 July
Freedom in Christ

John 8:31-36
Jesus states that freedom comes by knowing and living out His words. If this definition sounds too constraining, listen carefully, for it’s the words that Jesus uses. Life and true freedom are found in Jesus Christ and His Words.

21 July
The kingdom of God (Part 3)

Scriptures various
Matthew 6:13 – 20
What does lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil mean?
When we pray “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one,” we pray asking God to keep us aware of the spiritual battle we are in, mindful of our enemies and their tactics, and relying on God and the weapons he has given us to fight.

14 July
The Kingdom of God (Part 2)

Scripture Various
Matthew 6:26-33
In this passage, Jesus taught that worry is unproductive. Worry keeps us from fulfilling the kingdom purposes to which He has called us. God uses all situations to accomplish His purposes, and He wants us to trust Him and join Him in that.

7 July
The Kingdom of God (Part 1)

Scriptures various
Luke 17:21-22

This is the beginning of Jesus’ teaching on the coming of God’s kingdom through him. The Pharisees want to know when God’s kingdom is coming. They are expecting Jesus to give them physical signs of the coming of the kingdom in the last days.

30 June
This Jesus

Acts 2:22-41
verse 22
The Bible describes many “powerful works and wonders and signs that God did through [Jesus].” (Acts 2:22) With God’s power, Jesus was able to control the weather, feed thousands, heal the sick, and even bring the dead back to life.
Verse 41.
They that gladly received his word — The word ασμενως, which signifies joyfully, readily, willingly, implies that they approved of the doctrine delivered; that they were glad to hear of this way of salvation; and that they began immediately to act according to its dictates.

23 June
God of the generations

Psalm 145:1-7
verse 4
“one generation to another” will “laud (make known)” God’s “mighty acts.” In verse 5, the psalm singer says, “I will meditate” on God’s majesty and works. The generations and the psalmist will “proclaim” and “declare” in verse 6; and they will “celebrate” and “sing aloud” in.
Verse 7
It is applied to words as poured forth in praise. The meaning is, that the heart is full, as a fountain is full of water, and that it naturally overflows, or seeks to discharge itself. The thought of the goodness of God fills the heart, and makes it overflow with gratitude.

16 June
He will hold me

What is the meaning of Psalm 139 1 12?

Psalm 139 tells us that God searches us and knows us. He knows everything there is to know about you. He sees when you do kind things for others, but he also knows your thoughts — when you are angry at your brother or jealous of your friend’s things.

9th June
Godly contentment

In this chapter the apostle gives some instructions to servants; lays down some rules, by which to judge of false teachers; advises to contentment; exposes the sin of covetousness; exhorts Timothy to avoid sin, and follow after things that are good, to be constant in his warfare, the issue of which would be eternal ……

2nd June
Gods power, Our weakness

In 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Paul addresses the idea promoted by the super-apostles which stated Paul was not nearly as spiritual as he claimed because he did not have the same hyper-spiritual experiences as these false teachers. While they boast of their glory and power, Paul will boast of his weakness and suffering

26 May
Waiting on God

Isaiah 40:26-31
This chapter treats of the comforts of God’s people; of the forerunner and coming of the Messiah; of his work, and the dignity of his person; of the folly of making idols, and of the groundless complaints of the church of God.

19 May
Let these bones live

Ezekiel 37:1-14
One interpretation suggests that the valley of dry bones represents any hopeless and lifeless situation. It could be a personal struggle, a societal issue, or a spiritual crisis. In these situations, the Lord calls us to prophesy, to speak life and hope into the problem.

12 May
Praying in the spirit

Jude 1:17–23 lays out Jude’s plan of action for recognising, resisting, and defeating apostates. Prior verses were devoted to explaining how, and why, these false teachers were dangerous. Those who followed their examples were bound for eternal judgment.

5 May
Our Spiritual Blessings

Ephesians 1:3–14 praises God for the blessings He has provided. Paul ties together the ideas of predestination, God’s glory, the salvation of His people, and the rights we have as children of God. In particular, believers are blessed because God chose, before creation, to save us.

28 April
Hidden in Christ

Genesis 6:11-7:5 and 1 Peter 3:18-22
Genesis 6:8-22 relate that one man — Noah — was an exception. Noah made an effort to please God in spite of the ungodliness around him, and for that reason, he “found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” In Hebrew, the word grace comes from a root meaning “to bend or stoop.” Thus, grace is the condescending or unmerited favor of a superior person to a lesser one. This is the first occurrence of this word in Scripture.
It seems as though Peter nearly always returns to the cross. He constantly reminds readers that willingness to suffer for Jesus’ sake is based on the wonder of Christ’s willingness to suffer death on the cross for our sakes.

21 April
Jesus is Lord

In Romans 10:13, Paul quotes from Joel 2:32: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” This verse means that the gospel of faith is open to all, but there must be a proper response, which is to call on the name of the Lord. + Luke 19:6-10, Mark 10:20-22

14 April
The One who reaches out

Luke 19:1-10
Jesus chose to stay at Zacchaeus place whom other people say that he is a sinner. We need to understand that Jesus judges us fairly. People who accepts and believes in Him despite of their doings will be forgiven as long as they repent their sins.

7 April
Moving on after Easter

Revelation 21:4 (understanding)
When it’s all said and done, the Lord declares that He will wipe away every tear. A better day is indeed coming, and He is working to bring an end to all pain and suffering. As we place our trust in Him, we can know that a new Kingdom awaits… one that makes every moment until then worthwhile!

31 March
He saw and believed

Easter Sunday
John 20:1-10
John 20 is the twentieth chapter of the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It relates the story of Jesus’ resurrection. It relates how Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty. Jesus appears to her and speaks of his resurrection and dispatches Mary to tell the news to the disciples.

Maundy Thursday
The last Supper

Mark 14:12-26

Mark tells us that it is the first day of Unleavened Bread (v. 12) which was the day Passover was celebrated. In less than 24 hours Jesus will be delivered up to the authorities and on his way to the cross. Jesus spends his final day with his disciples breaking bread. We know this today as the “Last Supper.”

Palm Sunday
24 March
Why do we need the cross?

Scripture various

P.T.Forsyth’s book on “The Cruciality of the Cross”, says, 
“a true grasp of the Atonement meets the age in its need of a centre, of an authority, or a creative force, a guiding line and a final goal. IT MEETS OUR LACK OF A FIXED POINT”. 

 17 March
Equipped by God for God

Ephesians 4:7-16, adds one more way we are unified, through the diversity of our gifts—by all the different ways God gives us talents and abilities to serve him by serving the church. We each have different gifts but they fit together as one, like a puzzle.

10 March
Unity of the spirit Pt3

Ephesians 4:4-7

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

3 March
Unity of the Spirit Pt2

Unfortunately there was break in the live church service today.
Ephesians 4:1-4

The primary call is to unity. The recipients of the letter should make “every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (4:3). They are to equip the saints for ministry “until all of us come to the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God” (4:13).

25 February
Unity of the Spirit

Psalm 133 Reminds Us “We Can Have Unity in Christ’ He gave his life on the cross to pay the price for us to be forgiven of our sin, restored to unity with God, which then paves the way for the deepest kind of unity we could have with each other. In other words, the Gospel makes unity in God possible.

18 February
GOD father

Chapter 2:1-10
First, salvation is entirely dependent on the grace of God, not human efforts. Second, this means all Christians are part of the same family, Jew and Gentile alike.

Ephesians 2:10 tells us why: “…God prepared [our good works] beforehand, so that we would walk in them.” Any and every good work that we have done has been prepared by God. It has been ordained by His sovereign will. All true good works are God-planned, God-empowered, and God-superintended.

11 February
Saved for ….?

Titus 2:11 -3:11
What is the meaning of Titus 2 11?
Titus 2:11–15 explains the grace of God as something which encourages believers toward right behavior and right thinking. The previous Scriptures gave instructions for proper behavior of church members. Here, God’s grace is shown as the foundation on which traits such as self-control, respect, and godliness are built.

February 4
The fruit of the spirit PT2

What is the prayer for Galatians 5 16 26?
Our Father in heaven, we rejoice to remember that hidden in the holiness of your Son, you count us holy in your sight. Not only as we pray, but as we live each day, you see us as saints, set apart by our Saviour, for our Saviour

January 28
The fruit of the spirit

Galatians 5:16-26
The ideal situation is that you should walk in the Spirit at all times without any lapses. It is your responsibility to keep in step with the Spirit as much as possible. In order to yield to the Spirit of God, it is also our responsibility to keep reading and learning from the Word of God.

January 21
Walk in the spirit

Galatians 5: focuses on what those in Christ should do with our freedom in Christ. First, we must guard it, especially from those who would pressure us to follow the law. Paul was confident the Galatians would resist the one leading them in the wrong direction.

Galatians 5:1-18

January 14
Living in the river

The one who is thirsty is invited to come, meaning that he is encouraged to believe. Then, the one who believes is invited to drink. In other words, the one who believes is invited to receive. The end result is that Jesus invites the thirsty to believe and receive.

January 7
You can have it all

Today’s passage (Ezekiel 47:1-12) describes a marvelous river flowing from the temple to bring life and healing to the land. This vision reveals God’s heart for a broken world and testifies about the gospel of Jesus

31st December
Lamintations 3:1-27

Lamentations 3 records Jeremiah’s lamentation for the destruction of Jerusalem from the perspective of the people of Judah. In Lamentations 3:1–18 we learn how the wicked people of Judah described their relationship with God.

3rd December
Christmas imPOSSIBLE

Micah 5:2 – Also Matthew 2:1-6
This is one of those places in the Old Testament where we see a specific promise that one would come from ancient days to be born in Bethlehem. This is a clear picture of the promise of Jesus. And not just that he would come, but where he would be born. 


November 26
Dealing with temptation

Matthew 4:1-11
describes Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. After 40 days and nights of fasting, Jesus faces three temptations from Satan. Each one attempts to lure Christ into abusing His power; to take immediately what God the Father has promised to provide later.

Turning stones into bread, bowing to Satan, and putting God to the test were the three temptations with which the Evil One thought he could win over Jesus. Scripture records that Jesus never gave into the temptations and Satan was defeated.

November 19th
Bearing shame and scoffing rude

Genesis 3:1-13, Matthew 27:27-31, Genesis 2:16-17,Genesis 2:25

Satan disguises himself and waits for opportunities to tempt us to sin. Knowing the Word of God is essential to defend against Satan’s lies. Adam and Eve were tempted because they desired to experience more than God had allowed. Sin and shame breaks fellowship with God and separates us from His presence.

Matthew 27:27–31 describes Roman soldiers abusing Jesus inside the governor’s headquarters. Most of this mistreatment occurred before His final sentencing, but Matthew continues to group events by theme more than by time. The soldiers strip off Jesus’ clothes and dress Him as a mock king.

November 12
The God who remembers

We will remember them. ‘Lest we forget’
On this Remembrance Sunday in 2023 – The ministers uses Exodus 2:23-25 to remind us of God’s Covenant. The passage (2:23 – 25) also introduces the account of the preparation of Moses. God responds to the cries for help from His covenant people who are in bondage. Of Moses’ life among the Midianites, little is known.

November 5
Certainty admist uncertainty

1 John 5:6-15 
(14-15) This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him. These verses offer one of the Bible’s best definitions of prayer.

October 29
Our greatest need

Luke 5:15-26
Jesus is teaching a large group of people in His home in Capernaum (Mark 2:1). Although Luke already recorded the conflict Jesus experienced in His hometown (Luke 4:16–30), this is the first time he mentions antagonism between Jesus and the religious leaders, specifically Pharisees and scribes.

Pharisees asked the crucial question about Jesus: “Who is this man?” (5:21). The fact that He could speak the word and heal this paralytic should have answered their question: He is God in human flesh.

October 15
What faith

Matthew 14:22-33

Jesus reveals himself — not simply as Jesus, their teacher, but as “I AM.” A more literal translation of this sentence would be, “Take heart, I am, do not be afraid.” This self-revelation is a disclosure of Jesus’ source of power.

October 8
The harvest is plentiful

Scripture Luke 10:1-12
This is a warning for those who hear the truth yet do not receive it. There was a Jewish custom whenever Jews returned home from a Gentile country; they were to shake off the dust from their feet to signify the breaking of their ties with the Gentiles. This is exactly what Jesus is referring to here and again in Luke chapter 9:1 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases …..

October 1
The scandal of grace

Scripture Mark 15:6-20
Jesus is taken to the local Roman governor, Pilate. This is the only person in Jerusalem with the legal authority to have Jesus executed. Pilate is not fooled, and he attempts to arrange for Jesus’ release. But the ruler’s ploys fail, in part because Jesus will not defend Himself, and partly because the mob is intent on His death. Pilate offers a prisoner exchange in Barabbas, and even has Jesus brutally beaten in order to pacify the crowd. 

September 24
Being Thankful

Scripture today is taken from 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Psalms 126:2-3 and Hebrews 12:28-29.

The author of Hebrews tells us that God is a consuming fire. God’s kingdom is coming. It is here. If we will let him, God will consume more and more of our lives and our time right here on earth.

Our sanctuary today was full in a cafe style layout – it seemed many more came in to our service this morning.

September 17
P0wer over Death

The reading is Luke 8:40-56. Last week we looked at the first few verses, this week we look at the conclusion of the chapter relating to the women who was hemorrhaging.

There comes a time sometimes when even solid faith buckles. We hope against hope and then our hopes are dashed. We are tempted to give up and walk away from Jesus. But Jesus doesn’t let us go so easily. “Don’t be afraid,” he says gently. He knows our fears and our limits. But if he goes with us, he can carry us beyond our fears. “Just believe,” he says, “and she will be hear.

September 10
The hem of his garment

Upon touching the Lord’s garment, the woman was instantly healed. No doubt she intended to remain as inconspicuous as possible, allowing Jesus and the crowd to pass on, leaving her alone, unnoticed, and eventually be able to return to her home and a normal life. But Jesus wouldn’t have it this way. Astounding the disciples and others, Jesus stopped and inquired as to who’d touched him.

Continued next week

September 3
The day of the Lord

The Bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, reads: “Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up…” Encouraging and inspiring your neighbours is an important part of loving them as yourself. Providing encouragement and inspiration is doubly important because most people you meet are hurting in some way.

(I Thessalonians 5:1-11)



August 27
Our starting point

This psalm invites us to believe again that our faith in God will never desert us, no matter what happens. Life without fear is not possible, but faith can call us to live into God’s will for our life instead of reducing our lives because of our fears and insecurities.

August 20
What’s your motif

Todays reading is from Matthew 22:23-46. Jesus is questioned by the Sadducees who were trying to trick him up to get the answers they wanted to hear. Jesus challenges them with his own questions.

August 13
Firm Foundation

When a person builds his life on Jesus’ words he is building a strong foundation. He will be strong inside. The foolish man in the parable was like someone who listened to Jesus’ instructions but then did not follow them. A person that does not build his life on Jesus’ words will not have a strong foundation.
We hope the foundation given to our children who joined us over the last three days at the summer mission will develop in that foundation.

August 6
Come to me

Matthew 11:25 – 30 is the text for todays sermon. Following on by members of our congregation who have just returned from Rwanda with Comfort International. They saw God’s work taking place after so much upheaval in the country.

July 30
Only Jesus

In the gospel accounts, Jesus and three of his apostles, Peter, James, and John, go to a mountain (later referred to as the Mount of Transfiguration) to pray. On the mountaintop, Jesus begins to shine with bright rays of light. Then the Old Testament figures Moses and Elijah appear next for him and he speaks with them.  Mark 9:2-8

July 23
The new choice

Part 3 – Today Sandy completes this three part series ‘The New creation in Christ’ over the last three weeks each Sunday has asked many questions of us as christians. This week is just as searching as we face ‘The new choice’

July 16
The Cross: Why it had to happen

Part two of ‘The new Creation in Christ: The Cross- why did it to happen. Sandy takes us through the journey that Jesus went through to the cross and the processes that Jesus had to navigate. Thoughts on GOD the Father and the meaning that we can take from today in our lives.

July 9
Understanding Revelation

Over the next three Sunday’s Sandy takes us on a journey as christians to understand the New Creation in Christ. Scripture used this week to illustrate “Understanding Revelation’ Genesis 3:4-5, Ecclesiastes 2:11, Ezekiel 36:25-28 and Jeremiah 2:13.


July 2
Kind tongues, soft hearts

The reading from Hebrews 10:23-25 reflects on what comes from a clean heart that has been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. When we have this kind of love for God, it will overflow in every area of our lives – including our relationships. The graphic shows this clearly together in love.

25 June
I want to see

In the right place at the right time as Jesus visits Jericho. Bartimaeus a beggar is sitting at the road side calls out to Jesus ‘Son of David, have mercy on me’ His faith was rewarded. 

18 June
God Loves all

Archie from Comfort International uses Ephesians 3:14-21 to illustrate God’s love for all. Archie highlights v 20 as a way to illustrate God loves in many ways using Comfort International and the work carried out its name throughout Rwanda and beyond.

11 June
A Picture of grace pt2

Continuation on from last weeks passage John 21:15-25. The passage reflects on Peter’s denial of Jesus. The minister uses Luke 22:54-62 to illustrate the denial after Jesus is detained.

04 June
A picture of grace

Jesus appears to seven of the disciples on the edge of Sea of Galilee. The Seven in the boat did recognise him standing on the edge but Jesus spoke to Peter. Other verses used in the sermon are Luke 22:54-62 and Mark16:7

28 May
Pentecost :The Helper

In the right place at the right time as Jesus visits Jericho. Bartimaeus a beggar is sitting at the road side calls out to Jesus ‘Son of David, have mercy on me’ His faith was rewarded. 

21 May
The Bride of Christ

Today is Holy Communion. The minister uses two scriptures Ephesians 5:25-32 & Revelation 19:7-9. In verse 9 of Revelation 19 we read these words ‘ And the angel said to me”Write this:’Blessed are those who invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb” and he said to me,”These are the true words of God” This aptly illustrates the Communion we received today.

May 14
Follow Me

Today’s reading is from Matthew 16:13-28 with emphasis on verses 24 – 28. The backdrop is four people today committed themselves to Jesus. Verse 24 ‘Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me….”

April 16
The Two Realities

Sandy uses the 1999 blockbuster movie ‘The Matrix’ as background metaphor for today’s sermon. Many thoughts for us as we journey into and reflect on the Kingdom of God.

John 14 and 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

February 26
Church Unity

Psalm 133 is the scripture that Bob Anderson from Yoker, Evangelical church uses it illustrate the need for church unity.

February 12
Stand Firm

Are you standing firm in your faith. The minister looks at 1 Corinthians 16:12-14 to look at our faith. Are you standing firm in your faith. The minister looks at 1 Corinthians 16:12-14 to look at our faith.

February 5th
The precious Blood of Jesus

The minister draws on two passages to illustrate the precious Blood of Jesus – Zechariah 12:10 – 13:1 and Hebrews 9:15-22.

January 29
The cost of Mercy

Three times Jesus returns from praying to find the disciples asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane. The scripture ends with betrayal.

Reading from Mark 14:32-52

January 22 
Godly priorities

The minister asks at the start of his sermon ‘Is Christ an added extra in your life or the main thing?’ he goes on to develop  ‘Jesus is the cornerstone. Is that what we build our life up on?’ Scripture is from Matthew 6:25-34.

January 15
Come and See

Mission was the challenge from today’s sermon from John 4:1-30. In v29 a cry from the woman from Samaria at the well ‘Come see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ’ and v39  ‘Many Samaritans from the that town believed in HIM because of the woman’s testimony …..

January 8th 2023
Blessed Assurance

The minister in his sermon today invites us to ask ourselves many questions. The text is taken from Hebrews 10:19-25.

January 1st
Out of Egypt

On this the first day of 2023 the minister reflects on the images of The Three Wise Men after they visit Jesus possibly 2 years after his birth. The scripture passage is Matthew 2:13-23.

November 20
Don’t lose Heart
2 Corinthians 4:16 – 18

There many trials and tribulations in our personal lives each and everyday. Filipe our Youth Pastor takes us on a journey using 2 Chronicles 4:16-18 as his motivation. There are many scripture passages used to explore his journey.

November 13
God’s Word

On this Remembrance Sunday 2022 we reflect on many conflicts in the years past. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the conflict in the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic seas. The minister has chosen Psalm 18:25-30 to bring today into sharp focus

September 11
He was at home

Sermon today has a different emphasis as it coincided with the period of mourning for the loss of The Queen Elizabeth II. The minister used text from Mark 2:1-12,Mark 11:15-19 to illustrate the faith of Queen Elizabeth. The text reflects on the parable ‘Jesus heals a Paralytic’ and the ‘Jesus cleanses the Temple.

September 4
Peace for the storm

Todays passage from Mark 4:35-41 covers the story of Jesus on The Sea of Galilee when a storm breaks out. The deciples became quite concerned about the waves but Jesus said “Peace Be Still” and there was great calm. Norman closes the sermon with words from Revelation 21:1-5

August 28

Sandy takes us through the meaning of Koinonia with text from Ephesians 4:17-32.



August 21
Touched by Jesus

Today’s sermon is from Luke 8:40-48.Filipe reflects on the scene when Jesus felt that someone had touched his garment in the crowd.

August 14
To Him be the glory

Ephesians 3:14-21 apostle Paul speaks of the strength of prayer for spiritual strength.

August 7th
A gift of salvation

Great fellowship with the children over the holidays within our church – the sermon title ‘The Gift of Salvation’ and one of the key verses  from Ephesians 2:1-9  v 4 ‘God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ’

July 31st
A Call to life John 11:1-44

John’s gospel Chapter 11:1-44 provides the text recalling the death of Lazarus. Jesus spoke to Martha with these words “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this.”

April 3
The one who makes all things new

Sandy Weddell takes us through his message.

April 10
The Pivotal Point of Human History John 12:12-19

On this Palm Sunday Derek Robertson takes us through the Holy week beginning with Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem

12 June

Light of the world. John 1:1-14

Jesus is the light that shines above thing else in our lives. Jesus LIVES.
Filipe our Youth Pastor takes us through John 1:1-14 with some reflective thoughts on this our youth presentation service.

26 June

Hope that purifies 1 John 2:28 – 33-3:3

John’s letter is sent to congregations throughout Asia Minor in the first century.
Note 3:3 ‘ And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.

10 July

Joy when you face trials          James 1:1-4

James a well known disciple reflects on the idea that we need trials to take us forward in our belief.

17 July

The Parable of the sower Part one. Matthew 13:1-9

Sandy is taking us through Matthew 13:1-9 relating to the Parable of the sower. Some interesting reflections on the Soil and seed in our everday lives.

24 July

The Parable of the sower Part two 

Sandy is taking us through Matthew 13:1-9 relating to the Parable of the sower. Some interesting reflections on the Soil and seed in our everday lives.

Sermons - Christmas 2023

December 25
A child is born

Luke 1: 46-56 – Mary’s song of praise

Mary is saying that her soul proclaims the greatness of God. God’s greatness is demonstrated as faithfulness and mercy especially towards the downtrodden. This image reflects Luke’s admiration for the early Christian communities, in which all goods where shared in common and no one went hungry (Acts 2:44-45).

December 24
John 1:1-14

God became incarnate in Jesus, but Jesus—though uniquely God’s child and God’s incarnate Word—makes it possible for all of us to become God’s children who embody God’s word. Through Christ, our ordinary human lives can become places where God’s glory shines. The Word became flesh to bring us all into God’s family.

December 17
Matthew 1:18-25

…tells the story of the birth of Christ from the perspective of Joseph. This man is betrothed to be married to Mary, but finds out she is pregnant. He does not realize, yet, that this child is Christ, and that she is pregnant by a miracle of the Holy Spirit.

December 10
Luke 2:8-15

….It is a message of joy because a Savior and Lord has arrived to save and reign over us, including even those not born of Jewish descent. It is a message of joy because this Savior and Lord is the One who brings peace and acceptance from God himself.

December 4
Christmas imPOSSIBLE

Micah 5:2 – Also Matthew 2:1-6
This is one of those places in the Old Testament where we see a specific promise that one would come from ancient days to be born in Bethlehem. This is a clear picture of the promise of Jesus. And not just that he would come, but where he would be born. 


April - October 2022

1 Peter series
‘Exiles with a living hope’

April 24                1 Peter 1:1-2   ‘God’s elec’
May 1                    1 Peter 1:3-12. ‘A living hope’
May 8.                  1 Peter 1:3-12. ‘A hope for living’
May 15.                1 Peter 1:13-19 ‘A holy people’
May 22.                1 Peter 1:20 – 2:3 ‘A Visible Holiness’
May 29                 1 Peter 2:4-8  ‘Christ our cornerstone’
June 22
June 5                  1 Peter 2:9-12 ‘Visible proclamation’
June 19                1 Peter 2:13-25 ‘Christ our example’
July 22
July 3                    1 Peter 3:1-7 ‘Godly Marriage’
September 22
September 25    1 Peter 3:8-12
October 22
October 2            1 Peter 3:13-17      A Fearless Hope
October 9            1 Peter 3:18-22.   The Greatest Exchange for the Greatest Harvest
October 16.         1 Peter 4:1-11        Steward of God’s grace 
October 23.         1 Peter 3:18-22 & 4:12-19      Safe in Christ
October 30          1 Peter 5:1-5  The crown of glory
November 22
November 6.      1 Peter 5:6-14 Standing Firm

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